Well after playing around with the pattern and finalizing the right fuzzy to plain yarn ratio, I then decided to put my pattern into print. Hoping someone might understand my explanation enough to make their own adorable fuzzy cupcake hats. I put the pattern on ravelry.com, decided to sell it, and it became a hit. Last night at "Stitch N' Pitch" I had a sample hat out on our table and actually met someone who downloaded my hat pattern! I was so excited... I wish I would have gotten her name. After her, many people continued to pick up the cute little hat and exclaim at how adorable it was. So I decided it was time to post the pattern here for ease of anyone who picked up one of our flyers last night. BTW, If you didn't read my mom's post earlier about "Stitch N' Pitch" and are wondering what it is, well it is a chance for local needle artists in the Milwaukee area to attend a Brewers game and not look funny as they knit, crochet or do other needle work in the stands. Last night was our first time attending and aside from the AWFUL heat, it was fun! We met a lot of locals who do wonderful work in our area, some for profit, some for charity and some who recycle sweaters into yarn!